Thursday 8 March 2012


Lieutenant Colonel Scott was in command of 2nd Battalion Scots Guards when they captured Tumbledown Mountain on East Falklands by a battalion night attack on 13 June 1982. This was part of the 5 Brigade plan to secure the last vital ground on the approach to Port Stanley.

Tumbledown Mountain was known to be held by the enemy in considerable strength. It was equally certain that this enemy had been alerted to the likelihood of a renewed British offensive at that time because of the nature and timing of operations two nights previously.

Lieutenat Colonel Scott had planned his attack with meticulous care. The battalion took their first objective without opposition.

As they moved towards their second objective the Scots Guards were bet by a heavy concentration of artillery, mortar and machine gun fire. Well positioned enemy snipers dominated the difficult, rising ground over which the Guards had to advance, and harrassed exposed movement. The nature of the ground on the flanks and the weight of enemy fire upon it made manoeuvre impossible. A battle of attrition developed and the success of the Brigade plan hung in the balance. This phase lasted for six hours. Throughout, although constantly under artillery fire himself, Lieutenant Colonel Scott led his battalion in an outstanding manner. He personally directed and encouraged the leading Company Commander and his exaample and coolness inspired and steadied all around him. He caused artillery fire to be brought down with surgical precission close to his forward troops so that they were eventually able to close with the enemy and defeat them. it was due to Lieutenant Colonel Scott's personal determination and leadership that the Scots Guards were able to achieve a break through at this vital point and so capture their main objective.

In this their first action during the Falklands campaign, the Battalion distinguished itself by winning a battle lasting nine hours overall under the most adverse conditions. The outcome of this engagement was instrumental in breaking the enemy's will to fight and their final surrender was achieved within a matter of hours.

The conduct of the Scots Guards during this protracted and exhausting night engagement was exemplary and much of the credit rests with their Commanding Officer. he is strongly recommended for the award of the DSO.

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